


簡介:The 5th Centennial of the Protestant Reform is leading thread of the present issue. Though the incident took place in Europe during the sixteen century, its impact has expanded to the four corners of the world, forcing Christianity to be more and more denominational. Today, to be a Christian around the world, is automatically to belong to a given denomination. Three of the five articles emerged from the 2017 international conference held in Fu Jen Catholic University and pondering on protestant reform and its pending impact on the contextual reception of Christianity in Taiwan.

編者的話 i
Martin Luther and the Reformation    1
   Angelo Maffeis  
華人基督徒合一路上的諸種障礙 21
Communion Fellowship: The Challenge of Ecumenism 49
從依納爵《神操》的視角省思《願祢受讚頌》通諭中的生態皈依  69
文化載體與神學信仰的區分:從「前漢語神學」到「漢語神學」(廿世紀後) 97
休斯頓・史密士Huston Smith著《人的宗教》評介 121